Minutes – September 15, 2015

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FETCH DOG PARK MINUTES Sept 15, 2015 Public Services Bldg Voorhees 530 PM

Members present: CShadley, TShadley, JSchatz,RSchatz, DJacobs, SHoughton, JVenute, KFretty, SLane, BWheeler, JLinville , EGrzelak Sec/Tres, JMason Chair

The meeting was opened by Chairman JMason at 530 PM.  The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and approved.  The dog flu epidemic and our handling of the issue and closing the park were reviewed.  Other items will be part of the present meeting agenda and discussed more thoroughly there.

EGrzelak presented the Treasurer Report.  Copy with the minutes.  Following the presentation it was noted that there has been a slight increase in liability premium.  Gas expenditure for mowing is projected to be slightly over $700.00.  With the planned new security/special needs project it is estimated that an increase in membership fee need be considered (New business). The treasurer’s report was approved.

The status of the special needs/security project was then presented by DJacobs, JVenute.  Their remarks, plans and proposals were also discussed and broadened by the membership and SLane.  The final recommendation that was proposed was that with the funds available we proceed with securing bids and laying out the concrete pads to beat the winter constraints.  Several members felt that to proceed with one portion without having all plans and complete funding in place could jeopardize the entire project in the long term.  The project was then re-discussed and more material regarding the security system was presented.  The fencing for security as well as the bid by Wagner Lock and Key for security card system and their replacement was reasonable.  Lost security card could be replaced for $5.00.   Other issues discussed: special needs requirements specified by the Special Needs legislation were evaluated:  parking, special gates, and water needs. With this reassuring information a vote was taken and the majority felt we could proceed with efforts to get concrete pads poured this season.  DJacobs and JVenute were to supervise the project and give updates.  The Wheeler grant of $6000.00 has to be used for costs as the bills are received. Need for additional funding to be one of the responsibilities for them to be on top of.

The maintenance of the park was discussed.  At present the grass looks great with the seeding efforts and weed eradication successful.  There were no comments regarding grass length and tall grass areas.  It was felt we should continue with same areas and continue periodic tall grass mowing.  The problem of deterioration of the support fence (horizontal) poles with rot and molding continues with several solutions to be attempted.  Tiling the north end where we have drainage issues is still in the “works”. It was felt that BWheeler, JVenute, DJacobs and KFretty were doing a great job and were thanked for their efforts.

Increasing membership for the park and the Leadership Team was discussed.      All agreed more publicity was needed.  One item that was discussed suggested that we increase the number of meetings and make the upcoming dates known well in advance. This will be attempted in Fall, winter, spring cycle.  JVenute had  discussed ways to promote tag sales with Pet Supplies Plus and they are agreeable to cooperate.  Many were concerned that the accuracy of our membership rolls could be compromised and the scrutiny of applicants might be compromised especially based on some of our prior efforts in this regard.  It was the consensus that a trial effort would be developed in cooperation with PSP.  We will prepare a “stuffer” which will have facts about the park along with referral to our web site. The timing and customer selection will be worked out with PSP. It will also have an application form to be filled out and mailed in to EGrzelak for review and tag dispersal.  EGrzelak also agreed to spearhead the development of the form.  Utilizing this same form it was felt we should re-visit groomers and Vets.  This could be a big help in renewing interest in the park.  In the future we may consider putting a desk at the Park, PSP or other locations to promote on-site tag sales.  At the present it was voted to continue tag sale by mail only as we are now doing.    The web site continues to be used adequately.


  1. Dogs digging holes

One of our members injured an ankle after stepping in a hole dug by one of the dogs.

Actions-remind members to stop their dogs doing this.  Stop this action immediately-all members anybody’s dog.

Put a pile of dirt in the park for filling and signage on the pile to bring attention to this hazard and our remedy

  1. Congregation of dogs already in the park at the entrance preventing a member from entering.   They also are entering the gated area as member tries to enter creating anxiety and reaction in entering dog.

Action: Encourage all members to move away from the gate at entry and try and stay in further reaches of the park to prevent these encounters.

  1. We continue to have incidents where non-members with “aggressive dogs” are not cooperative.

Action: Security system as proposed.  Tag purchase with entry key will help identify offender and their entry can be curtailed.

New Business.

  1. Loss of tag: It was felt that with our finances that the loss of a tag should require a replacement cost $20.00
  2. New fees:

With security coming on board and increased maintenance with a security card for entrance it was felt fees should be increased for the 2016 season and beyond.  Loss of security card or entry would require purchase of a new card.  $5.00.  After discussion the following was proposed and voted for.


The meeting was adjourned at 730 PM after it was determined that the agenda items were covered and there was no new business to explore and the motion to adjourn was approved.

Respectfully submitted,

JCMason Chairman Sept 21, 2015