MEMBERS NAME______________________________________ DOG TAG#___________________

PARK RANGER’S or LEADERSHIP TEAM MEMBER’S name: ________________________________

Describe the incident or action being appealed: ____________________________________________








Date of incident/action: _______________________________________________________________

Member ‘s proposed remedy: __________________________________________________________








Member’s Signature: ____________________________Date_________________________________

Date Step 1(verbal discussion with Ranger or Leader) was completed:__________________________

Ranger/Leader’s response:____________________________________________________________








Ranger/Leader’s signature: ___________________________Date of Step 1 response:_____________

Ranger/Leader’s response to this appeal:_________________________________________________








Ranger/Leader’s signature: ____________________Date of Step 2 response:___________________

I have read the Ranger/Leader’s response and I have decided to:  (circle one)

Accept the step 2 response                Appeal to Leadership Chair                    Appeal to Peer review Panel


I hereby authorize the Peer Review Panel or Leadership Team to review all information which may be relevant to the proper investigation of my appeal.  I expect this information will be held in strictest confidence.  I realize that the decision made by the Leadership Team or by the Peer Review Panel is final and binding.  I further understand that the Peer Review Panel cannot change policy, park rules and/or City of Danville Rules or Policy.


Signature: ______________________________Date:__________________________________


Leadership Team 6/2012