Gala Opening
June 12-13
1-3 PM each day
Dog Park Volunteers: Larry Anderson, D Fridy, J Gourley, E Grzelak, K Hoaks, D Jacobs, J Mason, T O’Neal, N Ruzic, C Shadley , T Shadley, T Schooler, J Adams(Humane Society enlistee)
Procurement Coordinator: K Hoaks
Procurement Committee: K Hoaks, J Gourley, D Jacobs, T Schooler, T O’Neal
Develop and organize door prizes, silent auction items, and vendor participation
Water, Soft drink procurement and sales: Deb Fridy
Publicity: Deb Fridy PSA, Radio, Newspapers
On Site Vendors: Big R (on site WDNL Sat), Midnight Howler (DeMoss), Paw-A-Day Inn, Pet Supply Plus, Stateline Hillcrest Small Animal Hospital, Sunset Funeral Home and Trigard, Tractor Supply, Vermilion County Animal Shelter Foundation, Canine Design and Amanda Chamberlain training
Food Vendors on Site: Wiener Works Service and condiments by Stan Jackowski family, Wiener contribution by Joe Vincent, Hawkeye Foods, Sat & Sun), Custard Cup (Sun only)

The minutes of June 3 have been reviewed and corrected. K Hoaks name was omitted from the attendee list. The weather report for the 2 day Gala opening was ominous from the start but I am happy to say that all festivities came off as planned and the rain held off both days until just after cleanup and closure completed. L Anderson and T O’Neal had mowed both areas earlier in week
On Saturday June 12 at 0900 the entire group of volunteers assembled and 2 canopies were placed on the west end of the parking lot. The larger canopy covered 3 tables. The north for drink sales, larger mid table for tag sales, information booklets and also assisted the south table. The south table was used for display of silent auction items, and merchandise. (caps, shirts, bands). The smaller canopy was utilized for Wiener Works. The wieners were given free to dog Park tag owners and donations for all others and the donation strategy worked well. This in-kind donation by the Jackowski family really went well both days. Shortly after completion of this setup Custard Cup arrived and set up further west on dry ground near the building for electrical needs. His product was sold and as always gathered a crowd and donations. Big R set up with the radio interview adjacent to Custard Cup.
T he remaining vendors entered through the Fetch entry or park entry and set up in the grass between parking lot and the park entry Road. As cars started arriving L Anderson, T O’Neal directed cars to C Shadley and they were parked along south edge of park entry way and around blue building. Worked well for traffic flow.

At 1 PM festivities began with remarks by D Jacobs and J Mason with introduction of Julius Hegeler II and Lois Wise of the Julius W Hegeler II Foundation
Mayor Eisenhower unveiled our plaque and the Leash cutting ceremony followed. Participants with scissor s were: Mayor Eisenhower, Brock Burton, Julius Hegeler, J Mason. The leash was held by D Jacobs and S Lane. D Jacobs remarked how vital Steve Lane had been to all our efforts and made mention that his name was on the plaque. Following this ceremony the K9 Corps of Danville Police Department put on a demonstration displaying the effectiveness of a well trained police dog. Very impressive.
Shortly after 3 PM most of the crowd dissipated and the volunteers took a breather before tear down. Reflections on the day left everyone satisfied. The crowd was estimated at 200+ and 40 tags sold. No new tactics planned.
SUNDAY the arrival time was 1030 and it worked well before the 1 PM Opening.
From the north D Fridy, J Adams, E Grzelak, N Ruzic, J Gourley, K Hoaks, T Shadley when in proper spots

Again the weather held off well but became quite ominous just before the blessing of the park at 2PM. Did not dare rain at that time. Shortly before 3 Pm the 2nd 50/50 drawing was held. It totaled about $25.00 about ½ of Saturday but the winner gave her portion back so the total gain for the drawing was $50.00. K Hoaks, T Schooler, J Gourley organized the winners of the door prizes and prepared to notify them for pickup or drop-off.
The silent auction items:
- Lake Vermilion Excursion $350.00
- K9 suites 1 (50) and 2(40) 90.00
- Massage 70.00
- One Mo free tanning 100.00
- Dans tickets 85.00
- Wolf Creek Golf 65.00
- Case of wine 70.00
- Cookbook and gift certificate 45.00
- Pet portrait sitting 60.00
TOTAL $935.00
T Schooler designed the thank you card to be sent to all vendors and donors of items for door prizes and auction items. She, K Hoaks, J Gourley will be sending those out.

A brief social wrap up meeting was held after take down and policing of the area. It was again estimated that approximately 200 visitors attended. 20 tags were sold and on both days there were lot s of well-behave dogs. No serious encounters and the lemon juice/water mix were used on 3 occasions with good results. On June 15 a deposit of $1574.50 was made at G Brandon office in City Building. $400.00 was from the silent auction items. This equates to total return including all of the auction items still to be collected $2109.50
JCM June 16, 2010