April 14, 2015 Danville Public Works Building
5:30 to 7:30 PM
The meeting was called to order at 525 PM and Leadership Team members present were: JMason Chair, EGrzelak SecTres, KFretty, DJacobs, SHoughton ,TShadly, JVenute, BWheeler . SLane exoffico City of Danville
The minutes of the September 24, 2014 Fall meeting were summarized and reviewed. The plans for tall grass, rail deterioration were mentioned and will be discussed in their agenda item location. The minutes were approved
The Treasurers report was given by EGrzelak and a copy is enclosed with the minutes. Our balance with the City is approximately $10, 5401 and will be used for our liability insurance premium when due. We have a Fetch Dog Park Old National balance of $4626.31 of which $3000.00 is from the Cadle Grant for development of Special Needs Area (agenda item) Expenses: Gas card-$502.95, tags-$73.25, stamps-$108.
There have been 100 tags sold with net of $1101.00. The items were discussed particularly the low tag sales. The mail-in approach seems to be working ok and several felt that membership was being adversely effected by security concerns. After a brief discussion this was deferred to incident agenda item for in-depth discussion and preparation of an action item. The Treasurers report and approval of the Liability Insurance payment was moved, seconded and voted for approval.
Maintenance issue discussion was led by DJacobs. Problems have developed from heavy usage, clover and crabgrass infestation that have caused loss of good grass and led to muddy areas developing. The park was sprayed by Berry’s for clover and thistle. Weather and time permitting aeration (rental) and seeding is planned. 100 pounds of fescue seed was purchased from Berry’s at their cost. This work is being done by volunteers mainly KFretty, DJacobs and JKVenute. Paul Offutt is donating straw covering. The northwest wet corner is to be tiled when weather permits. The city is providing 100 feet of tile and pea gravel for this project.. Some rental equipment may be necessary but again volunteer labor is planned.
The deterioration of the wooden rails in the fence continues especially at the vertical/transverse junction. A trial of wood preservative spray is planned. Deterioration is also noted in the low (bottom) transverse rail where grass clippings and tall grass covers and keeps them moist. Efforts will be made in the mowing, trimming and spraying to minimize this. SLane will help us keep the length of the tall grass cut to minimize the effects of “going to seed”. KFretty and JVenute will alert him when the areas need to be mowed.
The maintenance plans were discussed and approved.
The Special Needs Area plans and project were then reviewed and discussed. The historical development and plans to date were reviewed by JVenute. SLane and members of the City
Team have reviewed the proposed site and plans to date for its compliance with the Disabilities Act. A drawing to illustrate their conclusions was presented and a copy is being kept with the minutes in the log book. The project estimates are fence $3000, installation $2000, gates and special hardware $2000 and concrete another $5000. These rough estimates show the project is doable (with the Cadle Grant) but a fundraising would likely be needed. In the discussion that followed regarding this project and its cost JHoughton and TShadly felt that security was a priority item involving the entire membership and influencing new members and retention of old that should be dealt with and improved before proceeding with the Special Needs project. (See Treasurer’s report above) The decision to vote on the Special Needs Project was tabled and the Incidents and security concerns discussed.
Almost every member of the Team have had experiences with non-members ignoring the rules and creating problems with unruly dogs or children. Non-member usage is increasing and efforts to have these “guests” purchase tags are usually met with verbal abuse that starts (“don’t need a tag”) mild and worsens. Survival of our park is jeopardized with this type of encounter by a potential member. Retention of members is likewise threatened. Most long term successful parks have gone to some type of lock/security system that ties entry to a key or card that you acquire with membership. Our “Ranger Security” only works when a Ranger is present and talking to a responsible owner/handler. After lengthy discussion the Team agreed this was the priority to be dealt with first so no action was taken on proceeding with the Special Needs area until security was explored. It would benecessary to have this to include the access to Special Needs in the future. A motion was made, seconded and voted on to get bids and ideas on the best method to develop. The group felt a common fenced area could be built in front of existing entry gates and could be used to gain secure access to the small and large gates as well as a future Special Needs area. SLane has vendors and suppliers that he can contact and get back to the Team with ideas. A May deadline on our Cadle Grant funds exists and the Treasurer is authorized to return those funds if we will not be using them. The Team then agreed that solving the security issue was a major problem to be dealt with before proceeding with the Special Needs project. A vote on this action was taken and all agreed to proceed with this priority approach. When adequate information is available a Special Meeting will be convened
New business
The Dog Flu epidemic in Chicago was discussed. JVenute’s warning email was discussed. In the article Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease (CIRD) has infected at least 1100 dogs in Chicago area and there have been 6 deaths. SYMPTOMS: persistent and lingering cough, lethargic behavior, poor appetite and fever. Several Chicago Area dog Parks and boarding facilities have closed. PetSmart has modified many of their operations. EGrzelak has checked locally and as of now no cases have been diagnosed in Vermilion County. EGrzelak will contact local vets to confirm and get their recommendations about closure of Fetch.
FundRaising. A local car dealership has inquired about interest in using our membership-dogs and owners-to develop a sales promotion. The dealer would make a donation to the park reflecting sales relating to the event. The Team was agreeable to exploring the idea and DJacobs, JVenute and EGrzelak agreed to talk to the dealer about the details of the project and will report back. If the project seems doable it was felt plans could proceed with email agreement and a meeting would not be necessary.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 730PM
Respectfully Submitted JCM 4/17/2015