Minutes – April 3, 2012

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Darrel Jacobs introduced Neuhoff Communications members, Anfield and Nygren, who discussed requirements for a 30 minute program to air mornings for 13 weeks to promote Fetch Dog Park and other related topics.  The cost would be 75.00 per segment.   Following the question and answer presentation the team decided to pursue the opportunity.  Houghton and Venutti were assigned the task of exploration and feasibility.  They will report back at the May 1 meeting.  4 team members agreed to sponsor 4 sessions.  Advertising, sponsorship, and participation will be explored with veterinarians, pet food suppliers and retail stores.

The minutes of Sept 6 and November 15 were reviewed and the status of the shelters, Financials, membership reminder mailings was reviewed. At latest tally 172 tags have been purchased for 2012. It is difficult to get current financials and there is nothing new to report since Nov 15 meeting. This difficulty was discussed.  Our efforts to get everyone on a Jan to Jan tag purchase a work in progress.

The history of park development and the role of the Leadership team were revisited.  Danville City Council Agenda of May 19, 2009 along with the Memorandum of Agreement signed by DJacobs and JMason were given to members of team present and will be copied with these minutes.  This material along with the F.A.I.R proposals being considered tonight need be made a part of our website.  A summary can be included in the next printing of our booklet with referral to website.  Copies of the Confidential Review Form of F.A.I.R (Fetch Appeals in Review) and policy were then discussed by DJacobs. Handouts of forms and policy were available.  Scenarios of use such as rule breaking, failure to purchase a tag, improper action by a handler with an aggressive dog were used to illustrate how the appeal form could be implemented.  The paper trail created would be handled by a team leader who would be responsible for counsel, oversight and dissemination of information to all Rangers and Leadership Team members as well as appropriate cooperative agencies such as the Humane Society.  It was agreed by all present that in those instances where action need be taken for the integrity of the park and the wellbeing of user/members that procedure documenting actions along with a process for remedy need be in place.  Prior to our next meeting the Team must review; make suggestions so it will be ready for vote.

The role, responsibilities and actions of Fetch Park Rangers was then discussed.  A plan to address this is being developed by DJacobs and will be similar in scope to the training supplied to those who perform similar duties at Harrison Park Golf courses.  As a result of this discussion the team felt more rangers were needed so an effort will be made to recruit prior to the training session.  Dealing with this lead into incident discussion.  There have been 3 that were discussed

  1. Dog in heat – Return receipt requested sent to owner/handler regarding this worked well
  2. Unique Breed ??admission. Apparently a Presa Canario breeding pair was observed at the park and they were not members. No one knows who or were.  Would we want to issue a tag to this breed??
  3. Groups in late afternoon showing disregard of rules regarding children, smoking and failure to control dogs and pick up poop.

In response after discussion it was decided we need more and better trained rangers to cover more hours of operation, request unannounced patrols by police and Humane Society personnel.  Letters will be written to those in charge for their support.

Two initiatives to increase participation at the park were discussed.  Our Fetch booklets have been distributed to the Veterinarian offices to be given to pet owners as part of a welcome packet.  Deficiencies still exist in them being handed out on tag purchase at the Humane Society. Breed specific play dates were discussed but not felt to be appropriate with our relatively small numbers.

New Business:  DJacobs proposed that we begin considering an event at the park that will honor Dorothy Duensing ‘s memory.  She was quite an advocate for animals and established a Foundation that has funds for the improvement and care of animals.  Their significant donation early in the process was very instrumental in our success.  A “bone” has been purchased from Trigard to add to our Donor memorial.

Due to time issue the meeting was terminated at 755. The date of the next meeting is May 1 same time same place NOT AS REPORTED ON AGENDA AS MAY 10.  At that time the F.A.I.R  forms and policy will be voted on. We will have an update on the Neuhoff proposal  and more information on ranger recruitment and training.


John Mason

April 4, 2011