Minutes – September 15, 2015

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FETCH DOG PARK MINUTES Sept 15, 2015 Public Services Bldg Voorhees 530 PM

Members present: CShadley, TShadley, JSchatz,RSchatz, DJacobs, SHoughton, JVenute, KFretty, SLane, BWheeler, JLinville , EGrzelak Sec/Tres, JMason Chair

The meeting was opened by Chairman JMason at 530 PM.  The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and approved.  The dog flu epidemic and our handling of the issue and closing the park were reviewed.  Other items will be part of the present meeting agenda and discussed more thoroughly there.

EGrzelak presented the Treasurer Report.  Copy with the minutes.  Following the presentation it was noted that there has been a slight increase in liability premium.  Gas expenditure for mowing is projected to be slightly over $700.00.  With the planned new security/special needs project it is estimated that an increase in membership fee need be considered (New business). The treasurer’s report was approved.

The status of the special needs/security project was then presented by DJacobs, JVenute.  Their remarks, plans and proposals were also discussed and broadened by the membership and SLane.  The final recommendation that was proposed was that with the funds available we proceed with securing bids and laying out the concrete pads to beat the winter constraints.  Several members felt that to proceed with one portion without having all plans and complete funding in place could jeopardize the entire project in the long term.  The project was then re-discussed and more material regarding the security system was presented.  The fencing for security as well as the bid by Wagner Lock and Key for security card system and their replacement was reasonable.  Lost security card could be replaced for $5.00.   Other issues discussed: special needs requirements specified by the Special Needs legislation were evaluated:  parking, special gates, and water needs. With this reassuring information a vote was taken and the majority felt we could proceed with efforts to get concrete pads poured this season.  DJacobs and JVenute were to supervise the project and give updates.  The Wheeler grant of $6000.00 has to be used for costs as the bills are received. Need for additional funding to be one of the responsibilities for them to be on top of.

The maintenance of the park was discussed.  At present the grass looks great with the seeding efforts and weed eradication successful.  There were no comments regarding grass length and tall grass areas.  It was felt we should continue with same areas and continue periodic tall grass mowing.  The problem of deterioration of the support fence (horizontal) poles with rot and molding continues with several solutions to be attempted.  Tiling the north end where we have drainage issues is still in the “works”. It was felt that BWheeler, JVenute, DJacobs and KFretty were doing a great job and were thanked for their efforts.

Increasing membership for the park and the Leadership Team was discussed.      All agreed more publicity was needed.  One item that was discussed suggested that we increase the number of meetings and make the upcoming dates known well in advance. This will be attempted in Fall, winter, spring cycle.  JVenute had  discussed ways to promote tag sales with Pet Supplies Plus and they are agreeable to cooperate.  Many were concerned that the accuracy of our membership rolls could be compromised and the scrutiny of applicants might be compromised especially based on some of our prior efforts in this regard.  It was the consensus that a trial effort would be developed in cooperation with PSP.  We will prepare a “stuffer” which will have facts about the park along with referral to our web site. The timing and customer selection will be worked out with PSP. It will also have an application form to be filled out and mailed in to EGrzelak for review and tag dispersal.  EGrzelak also agreed to spearhead the development of the form.  Utilizing this same form it was felt we should re-visit groomers and Vets.  This could be a big help in renewing interest in the park.  In the future we may consider putting a desk at the Park, PSP or other locations to promote on-site tag sales.  At the present it was voted to continue tag sale by mail only as we are now doing.    The web site continues to be used adequately.


  1. Dogs digging holes

One of our members injured an ankle after stepping in a hole dug by one of the dogs.

Actions-remind members to stop their dogs doing this.  Stop this action immediately-all members anybody’s dog.

Put a pile of dirt in the park for filling and signage on the pile to bring attention to this hazard and our remedy

  1. Congregation of dogs already in the park at the entrance preventing a member from entering.   They also are entering the gated area as member tries to enter creating anxiety and reaction in entering dog.

Action: Encourage all members to move away from the gate at entry and try and stay in further reaches of the park to prevent these encounters.

  1. We continue to have incidents where non-members with “aggressive dogs” are not cooperative.

Action: Security system as proposed.  Tag purchase with entry key will help identify offender and their entry can be curtailed.

New Business.

  1. Loss of tag: It was felt that with our finances that the loss of a tag should require a replacement cost $20.00
  2. New fees:

With security coming on board and increased maintenance with a security card for entrance it was felt fees should be increased for the 2016 season and beyond.  Loss of security card or entry would require purchase of a new card.  $5.00.  After discussion the following was proposed and voted for.


The meeting was adjourned at 730 PM after it was determined that the agenda items were covered and there was no new business to explore and the motion to adjourn was approved.

Respectfully submitted,

JCMason Chairman Sept 21, 2015

Minutes – April 14, 2015

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April 14, 2015 Danville Public Works Building

5:30 to 7:30 PM     
The meeting was called to order at 525 PM and Leadership Team members present were: JMason Chair, EGrzelak SecTres, KFretty, DJacobs, SHoughton ,TShadly, JVenute, BWheeler . SLane exoffico City of Danville

The minutes of the September 24, 2014 Fall meeting were summarized and reviewed. The plans for tall grass, rail deterioration were mentioned and will be discussed in their agenda item location. The minutes were approved

The Treasurers report was given by EGrzelak and a copy is enclosed with the minutes. Our balance with the City is approximately $10, 5401 and will be used for our liability insurance premium when due. We have a Fetch Dog Park Old National balance of $4626.31 of which $3000.00 is from the Cadle Grant for development of Special Needs Area (agenda item) Expenses: Gas card-$502.95, tags-$73.25, stamps-$108.

There have been 100 tags sold with net of $1101.00. The items were discussed particularly the low tag sales. The mail-in approach seems to be working ok and several felt that membership was being adversely effected by security concerns. After a brief discussion this was deferred to incident agenda item for in-depth discussion and preparation of an action item. The Treasurers report and approval of the Liability Insurance payment was moved, seconded and voted for approval.

Maintenance issue discussion was led by DJacobs. Problems have developed from heavy usage, clover and crabgrass infestation that have caused loss of good grass and led to muddy areas developing. The park was sprayed by Berry’s for clover and thistle. Weather and time permitting aeration (rental) and seeding is planned. 100 pounds of fescue seed was purchased from Berry’s at their cost. This work is being done by volunteers mainly KFretty, DJacobs and JKVenute. Paul Offutt is donating straw covering. The northwest wet corner is to be tiled when weather permits. The city is providing 100 feet of tile and pea gravel for this project.. Some rental equipment may be necessary but again volunteer labor is planned.

The deterioration of the wooden rails in the fence continues especially at the vertical/transverse junction. A trial of wood preservative spray is planned. Deterioration is also noted in the low (bottom) transverse rail where grass clippings and tall grass covers and keeps them moist. Efforts will be made in the mowing, trimming and spraying to minimize this. SLane will help us keep the length of the tall grass cut to minimize the effects of “going to seed”. KFretty and JVenute will alert him when the areas need to be mowed.

The maintenance plans were discussed and approved.

The Special Needs Area plans and project were then reviewed and discussed. The historical development and plans to date were reviewed by JVenute. SLane and members of the City
Team have reviewed the proposed site and plans to date for its compliance with the Disabilities Act. A drawing to illustrate their conclusions was presented and a copy is being kept with the minutes in the log book. The project estimates are fence $3000, installation $2000, gates and special hardware $2000 and concrete another $5000. These rough estimates show the project is doable (with the Cadle Grant) but a fundraising would likely be needed. In the discussion that followed regarding this project and its cost JHoughton and TShadly felt that security was a priority item involving the entire membership and influencing new members and retention of old that should be dealt with and improved before proceeding with the Special Needs project. (See Treasurer’s report above) The decision to vote on the Special Needs Project was tabled and the Incidents and security concerns discussed.

Almost every member of the Team have had experiences with non-members ignoring the rules and creating problems with unruly dogs or children. Non-member usage is increasing and efforts to have these “guests” purchase tags are usually met with verbal abuse that starts (“don’t need a tag”) mild and worsens. Survival of our park is jeopardized with this type of encounter by a potential member. Retention of members is likewise threatened. Most long term successful parks have gone to some type of lock/security system that ties entry to a key or card that you acquire with membership. Our “Ranger Security” only works when a Ranger is present and talking to a responsible owner/handler. After lengthy discussion the Team agreed this was the priority to be dealt with first so no action was taken on proceeding with the Special Needs area until security was explored. It would benecessary to have this to include the access to Special Needs in the future. A motion was made, seconded and voted on to get bids and ideas on the best method to develop. The group felt a common fenced area could be built in front of existing entry gates and could be used to gain secure access to the small and large gates as well as a future Special Needs area. SLane has vendors and suppliers that he can contact and get back to the Team with ideas. A May deadline on our Cadle Grant funds exists and the Treasurer is authorized to return those funds if we will not be using them. The Team then agreed that solving the security issue was a major problem to be dealt with before proceeding with the Special Needs project. A vote on this action was taken and all agreed to proceed with this priority approach. When adequate information is available a Special Meeting will be convened

New business

The Dog Flu epidemic in Chicago was discussed. JVenute’s warning email was discussed. In the article Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease (CIRD) has infected at least 1100 dogs in Chicago area and there have been 6 deaths. SYMPTOMS: persistent and lingering cough, lethargic behavior, poor appetite and fever. Several Chicago Area dog Parks and boarding facilities have closed. PetSmart has modified many of their operations. EGrzelak has checked locally and as of now no cases have been diagnosed in Vermilion County. EGrzelak will contact local vets to confirm and get their recommendations about closure of Fetch.

FundRaising. A local car dealership has inquired about interest in using our membership-dogs and owners-to develop a sales promotion. The dealer would make a donation to the park reflecting sales relating to the event. The Team was agreeable to exploring the idea and DJacobs, JVenute and EGrzelak agreed to talk to the dealer about the details of the project and will report back. If the project seems doable it was felt plans could proceed with email agreement and a meeting would not be necessary.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 730PM

Respectfully Submitted JCM 4/17/2015

Minutes – September 24, 2014

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The meeting was called to order at 525 PM by Chairman Mason

LEADERSHIP TEAM  attendees: Grzelak,Wheeler, Joe and Ruth Schatz, Venute, Fretty TShadley, Mason

Ex-officio SLane

Guests: Nancy Ruzic, David Williams

Absent Leadership Team: Barney, Collum, Houghton, Jacobs, Linville, O’Neal, CShadley

The minutes of the May 13, 2014 meeting were reviewed and the highlights summarized.  Our new relationship with the city, liability insurance and management of our own funds with the Fetch checking account. Planned 2 meetings per year –Fall and Spring with special needed meeting called as needed.  The 3 dog rule change and mention of our new bulletin board up and in place. (Thanks Steve) After discussion a motion was made by Ruth Schatz and seconded by Kevin Fretty to approve the minutes.  Vote to approve was made.

Financial Report.  The report was presented by Elisabeth Grzelak, Treasurer.a copy will be included with the minutes in the record book and on the website. The highlights are:

Tag sales to date 239  Income                        $2979.00

Significant expenses: Liability Ins $788.00, web site Hosting $118.00, rule books OfficeMax $207.00, gas $703.45,

Donation to Humane Society for fund raiser (WOOFSTOCK) $400.00

Cash on Hand: checking Account $885.45, Petty Cash $200.00

City Fetch Fund approximately $10,000.00.  JMason unable to obtain official figure. This reserve will be used for the new SPECIAL NEEDS AREA (discussion to follow later in minutes) and 2015 liability insurance.

After discussion a motion to approve was made by Fretty, seconded by Wheeler and approval voted. 

Park layout issues Review and Plan:  The presenters were Lane, Fretty, and Venute

The tall grass area was discussed and the following plans formulated.  The areas of tall grass would remain the same. The present areas will be cut soon by city crew to about 10 inches. (good maintenance).  Next year an effort will be made to cut the grass down to approximately 10” before it goes to seed. Kevin and Jerry will alert Steve.  This may require more than one cutting and hopefully minimize dog eye irritation and other problems.

We will not fertilize again this year and continue the spot killing of weeds as DJacobs has been doing.

Mower repair and maintenance will be done in spring and if due to shortage of personnel the city crews are unable to do it we will again consult B&D (purchase location)

Deterioration of rails in our fence. NEW ISSUE  Fungus growth has been noted on some of the rails and those rails seem to be deteriorating. One has actually broken and on inspection a fingernail and pressure will go right into the wood.  No one expected this so soon.  A source of 20 rails and some poles has been found and can be obtained for $100.  This would be a temporary source for repairs.  A motion was made and approved for the $100.00. JVenute and JMason will work on their acquisition and they can be stored in the building where mower is.  SLane will help us check into it.

The web site and its utilization was discussed.  Monthly statistics show it is being used a lot.  Steve Foster provides those statistics. He is great with other services and posting when needed.  Recent update included a picture of the Bulletin Board and a link for downloading of forms that can be printed out and mailed in to EGrzelak (treasurer).  After review of the registration the tags can be mailed to the member.  This item and its capability will be further discussed under membership.  The Team is very grateful for the development and support that we receive from Steve Foster and his firm BEAMSCO.  The Chairman will relay this thanks to Steve in his next communication (posting our minutes)

Incidents. EGrzelak led the discussion and there had not been any incident reports.  Wheeler questioned the status of children and their activity in the park. The section on children in the Fetch Dog Park book was reviewed.  All children under 12 must have adult supervision and it is that person’s responsibility to keep them out of harm’s way. On discussion it was felt the rule and explanations accompanying it was adequate.

Security at night is a concern and there has been an increasing amount of offensive residue found in the parking lot that is concerning.  SLane discussed how it is a big problem in all the parks.  After discussion a motion was made and the Team unanimously approved putting gates up and locking them in the evening as is done in the other parks.  SLane will take care of this. The City has a contracted person for this duty. Responsible early morning park goers would be given a key to open on their arrival and stay open during the day..

Membership The membership discussion was led by JMason who posed the concern about decline in membership.  From a high of just over 300 we registered only 239 this year. Opportunities to increase membership were discussed. Promotional events, radio interviews, newspaper articles  and more posters around the community were all used in the past and need to be reworked.  It was felt we should have a March meeting to specifically plan for initiatives to increase membership for the 2015 season.  This led to a discussion and plan for doing our own tag sales and registration.  In addition to individuals printing out the forms from the link on our web site and mailing them with the checks to our treasurer it was decided we should take an another approach.  We will prepare packets with forms and instructions that could be handed to interested parties so they could be filled out and mailed in.  Veterinarians, groomers and the Humane Society would be good places for the packets to be placed and available.  An event could also be utilized to set up a table for purchase at Park such as we did at our Gala.  This approach would be helpful because of the staff shortage at the Humane Society and enhance our record keeping of “who is a member”.  It is felt we should have this system up and running for the 2015 season tags.  EGrzelak and JMason will get the packets prepared and ready.  Team members will assist in their distribution to appropriate locations

The question was then posed about membership on the Team.  It was felt that our numbers were adequate and representative but if someone shows desire to join the Team they will be considered.  At this time no present member is desirous to leave.

Special Needs Area This presentation was led by JVenute and SLane  For some time the group has had discussion about the development of a Special Needs area within our park  The main purpose would be to provide an area within our Fetch that individuals or groups with special needs would have easier and safer access to a more limited area where they would feel safe in allowing their pets to run and play off leash.  Several individuals whose special needs require use of a wheelchair have discussed this project with some of the Team members.  It is felt that if we had a properly constructed area it would be a great asset to many individuals with special needs. In the future one could envision groups from nursing homes and the Veterans Hospital incorporating it into their activities.  With these consideration JVenute with help from SLane and DJacobs prepared a presentation to the Team for consideration.

Area considered: Utilizing the southeast corner and existing fence and area 30 feet wide (3 post spaces east to west) and approximately 200 feet in length (south to north and extending just past vehicle access gate).  Larger equipment could enter and mow. 3 fence rows would be constructed 1-30 feet to enclose north end, 1-30 feet to enclose the holding area at the south end, 1-200 feet to create a west wall and enclose the rectangular space. Photos were provided at the meeting.

Gates: 4  1 large (existing gate) at the northeast corner for equipment, 1 emergency access gate near the northwest corner of the rectangle.  This would allow entry for someone to assist from the main park. 1 Entry into holding area from special parking area at the north end of the parking lot (existing fence), 1 Exit from holding area into off leash area (new fence)

Paths and Pads: The proposal presented plans for a concrete path from the parking lot through the entry gate to holding area where it would meet a larger concrete pad which would be big enough so the owner/handler could adjust and unleash. A concrete path would then go through exit gate into the rectangular special needs area for a variable distance where it would terminate at another pad which would have some amenities.  Here the owner handler could observe his dog and be away from the gate.

Cost Estimates: These rough estimates were gathered by JVenute to give us a guide into costs and “do-ability”

Installation  $1200.00, Posts and rails $1400.00, fence $500.00, concrete $2000.00

Totals $5100.00

The project was discussed in detail   After discussion a motion to approve was made by KFretty and seconded by RSchatz.. A vote was held and the Team voted unanimously to proceed with the project and report back after all cost evaluations and refinements had been firmed up.  Since the Danville Chapter of AMBUCs has had extensive experience developing projects for individuals with special needs we will consult with them as we fine tune the project.  JMason will talk with individuals in that organization to see what assistance they can provide.  The funds we raised initially that are still in the City Treasurer’s department would be used.  JVenute will be chairman and coordinator of the project with JMason and DJacobs assisting. SLane as a City of Danville administrator is comfortable with the idea and agrees to assist us as we proceed.  In the event that new cost analysis goes over the above figures the project will have to be re-evaluated as to our ability to afford the project.    A successful conclusion could lead to an event to promote more dog owners joining us.

Other Business BWheeler commented on the beautiful flowers at the entrance and the Team thanked SLane and his department for all their efforts on behalf of the Park. The upcoming fundraiser planned by the Humane Society “Woofstock” was discussed.  It will be at the Moose facility on Rt 15 on October 4 beginning at 12 noon.

With business concluded the meeting was adjourned at 715 PM (meeting time 1hr45min)

Respectively submitted JCMason  9PM September 26, 2014

Minutes – May 13, 2014

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May 13, 2014

City of Danville Voorhees Building


The meeting was called to order at 530 PM by Chairman John Mason

Attendees:  Steve Houghton*, John Linville*, Kevin Fretty*, John Mason*, Darrel Jacobs* Joanna Collum*, Jerry Venute*, Joe Schatz*, Ruth Schatz*,

Steve Lane, David Williams, Brad Wheeler* (interested and agreed to membership on the Leadership Team)

Elisabeth Grzelak* absent due to sudden onset illness.

  • Leadership Team Members

Minutes of December 5 meeting on website: review–old business items-grass, 3 dog rule, clamatis

New Relationship with City of Danville

History, Timeline and Conclusions: JMason

July, 2013 we were informed by Gayle Lewis that since our startup was completed we needed to manage our own financial affairs and she wished to conclude our financial dealings with her office.  I met with Gayle, an accountant, Pat Owens, and the city attorney to investigate our options.  None of them sounded as good as our present arrangement. We hoped that we could continue as we were by minimizing our requests for money and re-structuring our accounting.. However that was not the total problem.  Short term accounting solutions were not adequate.

On March 12, 2014 Gayle arranged a meeting with City to address our situation and the future of Fetch Park. JMason and EGrzelak met with Mayor Eisenhower, Doug Ahrens, Steve Lane and Gayle Lewis in Mayor’s conference room at the City Building. We would not be able to continue as we were and changes had to be made where we would be responsible for our own funds and liability insurance would be necessary (Memorandum of Agreement May 19, 2009 3.” Dog Park Group agrees” B. financial management, E. Liability Insurance.  Examples of City startup help were the Soccer Complex, Horse Shoe Pitching Complex and Youth Football were given and their organizational models discussed.  They felt the Dog Park Group and its Leadership Team had developed a nice asset and requested that we try and continue to operate it.  Mr. Ahrens agreed to assist us in the next steps. Seven meetings were held over the next two months to reach solutions.

  1. Liability  New Business Action Item

DAhens, EGrzelak, JMason met with an insurance agent and discussed costs and what organizational changes would be needed. Cost will be at maximum $900.00 per year. Present organization is adequate.  The web site, minutes, rules are adequate evidence of an organization.  We felt this was the way to proceed and we authorized this.

Discussion: The $1,000.000.00 policy and its purposes along with adding the city was affordable

A motion was made by Brad Wheeler, seconded by KFretty to approve this action. A vote was taken and the purchase of Liability insurance for Fetch Dog Park Group was approved.

Discuss waiver of Liability Form:  A comprehensive waiver of liability form used by another park was reviewed.  A suggestion was made that          we develop a similar form and combine it with our other requirements so that memberships to the park could be obtained by downloading forms-fill out, mail in with appropriate check and be issued a tag by mail.

A motion was made by Ruth Schatz and seconded by Kevin Fretty that we proceed to develop this option for our web site.  A vote was taken and this action approved.

  1. Financial Management New Business Action Item

Volunteer groups raising funds (tag sales, donation) for a specific purpose (maintenance and enhancement of the dog park) can have a Tax ID#.   BUT DONATIONS ARE NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE.  WE ARE NOT A 5013C  We have applied for and received a Tax ID for Fetch using JMason and SS#.  However to open an account we need two responsible officers and signature for check privileges.  EGrzelak and JMason agree to assume the responsibility of managing this account.and doing all the necessary bookkeeping and recording.

Discussion held and in view of the lack of timetable on Elisabeth Grzelak availability it was felt  that an acting Sec/Treasure should be named.

Motion made by Darrel Jacobs and seconded by Kevin Fretty that John Mason serve as Chairman, Elisabeth Grzelak serve as Sec/Treas and Brad Wheeler serve as acting Sec/Trea

Vote to approve JCMason Chairman,  EGrzelak Sec/Treasure, Brad Wheeler acting Sec/ Treasure as the responsible officers for Fetch Dog Park Checking account was unanimous.  John Mason, Chairman and BradWheeler, acting Sec Treasure will proceed to open a checking account at the north branch of Old National Bank (near Elisabeth).

Management of Fetch Dog Park and Leadership Team going Forward

With the new structure and officers the following was formulated after discussion

Spring (annual) Meeting May

Review finances, insurance and prepare for summer season, maintenance issues, select officers

Fall October

Review season, consider rules, incidents and actions, maintenance

Review finances,? raise fees

March– meeting or communication to determine agenda items for May interest, availability of new Leadership Team members and officers

Old Business              .

Park Layout Issues: _SLane

  1. Some decrease in tall grass area is planned and will be worked out with Kevin Fretty and Jerry Venute (mowers)
  2. Clamatis issue.  The plants while pretty can cause GI upset in dogs so they have been cut down and will be kept down
  3. Bulletin Board: SLane showed his research on the issue and recommended a style 48×39 with plexiglass covering. .  After discussion of the needs a motion was made and approval given for purchase. Steve will purchase, install and then we will reimburse him from our funds.

Estimated cost $1000.00. Liability waiver and membership forms can be posted.

  1. Timeout area JVenute

Could we have an area within our park where dogs could be calmed down or unpredictable dogs allowed to play in a separate area?. One such area might be in southeast area of park where a separate entrance could be arranged. .The discussion concluded that there was no objection to exploring the idea and its costs.  If not too expensive there could be a trial of it. Darrel Jacobs and Jerry will investigate and report back.

  1. Handicap accessibility: improve entrance stability        .

3 dog rule JMason

In the December meeting a member expressed concern that the Park had a rule that was not being followed.  Several members came with more than 3 dogs.  There have not been any issues with these members or their dogs. After discussion of changing rules, exceptions or waivers on request it was decided to drop the rule by changing its wording and intent.  No owner/handler should bring more dogs regardless of temperament than he can responsibly manage.  Where this does not happen discipline can be instituted.  This action was agreed upon by the group so web site and our guidebook will reflect this change. Motion and vote taken to confirm approval of this change.

Maintenance for upcoming season

  1. Mower maintenance needed-battery,   filters, oil change, sharpening.  Since City to shorthanded for this we have an estimate of around $200.00 from B&D.  Darrel will see it is done and present bill to Steve for payment
  2. Weed spraying being done
  3. No fertilizer this spring

Other Business-New or Old

            There is $12,454.23 in the Dog Park Fund with the city.  From that fund we will owe $788.00 for insurance, and $1000.00 for our bulletin board.  Steve Lane will help us with payment arrangements.  The remaining balance will be transferred to our new checking account when arrangements are made with City Finance Officer..  This account will be opened by Chairman John Mason and Brad Wheeler Acting Sec/ Treas.

Adjournment 730 PM

John C. Mason, Jr  Chairman

Minutes – December 5, 2013

posted in: Minutes | 0



The meeting was called to order at 530 PM by Chairman John Mason

Attendees: Deb Fridy, Steve Houghton*, John Linville*, Terry Shadley*,Tim Barney, Shirley Barney*, David Williams, Joanna Collum*, Chris Lucas, Nancy Ruzic, Willa Mineo, Teresa Clayton,  Jerry Venute*, Kevin Fretty*, Elisabeth Grzelak*, John Mason*, Steve Lane (shortly after 530)

  • Leadership Team Members

FINANCIAL REPORT: EGrzelak (copy will be attached to the minutes)

Expenses were $1721.16.Dr. Mason is owed $254.00 for establishment of petty cash fund and booklet printing Darrel Jacobs is owed 565.11 for gas, fertilizer, herbicides, and tools.  Additionally planning forward we need to request $50.00 to bring petty cash balance back to $200.00 and purchase a $500.00 gas card.

This totals #$1369.11. This amount will be requested in a letter sent to Steve Lane for approval and then forwarded to the City Treasurer for deduction from Fetch Dog Park Balance.  Elisabeth will make the disbursements and keep the records of petty cash and gas credit card use.

Estimated income from tag sales $3000.00.  Based on an estimated starting balance of $10,000 minus the above expenses and this year’s tag sale income our ending balance should be at least $11,703 (conservative)

We are hopeful that we can manage our finances and will only need to interact with the city once a year


Membership Form (copy will be attached to the minutes)  Steve Houghton presented a concise form that can utilized when purchasing a tag at the Humane Society.  Steve is now on the board at the Humane Society and has presented it to them.  The form was voted upon and approved.  It will be placed on web site so it could be downloaded and filled out prior to going to Humane Society for tag purchase.

Park Layout Issues: _SLane.

Grass-the long and short of it.  At our request Steve discussed some of the issues such as mowing time, drainage, and grass length.  After discussion and input the plan is to map out the tall grass areas in the spring.  They will be similar to what we have now. The mowers will attempt to cut a swath close to the fence to allow a walkway and also increased ability to spot dogs trying to sneak under fence. During the season the City with their special mowers will try and keep the tall grass areas in small dog area 6-8” and in large 8-12” in length,.  This will probably decrease the seed and eye nuisance   This will allow for flexibility and modification as season progresses.  This was felt to be an acceptable compromise.  No one disagrees that the tall grass improves the overall appearance of the park and offers challenge to some of the larger dogs. At least one complete short length mowing once a year is recommended.

Feasibility of another fenced area: JVenute. Proposals to add or incorporate a smaller fenced area in or adjacent to present Fetch Dog Park to accommodate dogs who are young or otherwise needing space to be able to adapt to the regular park was presented with  drawings by JVenute. The group was very concerned that this would mean aggressive dogs would be showing up and using this area,  Our experience with aggressive dogs and their owners has not been very good.  There was concern that this would open up a new “can of worms” ie new rules, new liabilities etc. .Jerry was asked to bring supportive evidence of its usefulness, information from other parks etc and then we could revisit the issue. FUTURE ACTION ITEM

Security: nothing new.  Signage was discussed.

Bulletin Board:  The fence is being used to post notes and there are concerns that this gives an unsightly appearance.  A vote was taken requesting that Steve Lane purchase a bulletin board we can use for all of our informational needs and he agreed to proceed.  He will arrange for purchase from our funds and installation

Trails:  The overall beauty of the Park and its trails were discussed.  The Fitness project of Northridge students along with some widening of the trail has been a very nice addition. Steve Lane was given a vote of thanks for his efforts on behalf of the City to keep our Park so nice.


Web site and booklets have been up dated and updated printings are available.  JMason received input from SFoster about changes that could be made in the page referring to donations.  Is it necessary, considering amount and frequency, to make the donation tax deductible?  At this time it was agreed to leave the page as is.    The use of the park for events such as the recent Bark for Life Cancer Benefit was discussed.  All agreed it is good use of the park.

Incident:  There has been an owner with 2 dogs who has been reported on 3 occasions-April July and November.  There have been other instances not reported.  There have been attacks on other member’s dogs and overall bullying.  The owner has been requested to follow the guidelines-leaving the area, controlling the dogs and using the small dog park if available.  He has not responded in an appropriate manner.  Members are leaving the park when he is present. After discussion it was felt that he should have his membership revoked and denied future use of the park. Chairman Mason will prepare the letter and send it to the Leadership Team members for their approval.  On Approval the letter will be signed by Mason and Grzelak and sent via registered mail to the offender notifying him his membership is revoked, his tags are revoked and the Humane Society is notified by copy also so that he will be denied new tags in future.

Issue: :  Member TClayton had reported that her dog got sick after eating some of the Clematis plants along the front fence of the park.  As a result she had reviewed the subject on the web and it appears the plant has toxicity for dogs.  There may be different strains and since this is the first episode linked to the plant we will review with Berry’s and Darrel Jacobs prior to removal.  Since DJacobs nurtured them through the drought and got them flourishing and beautiful we will certainly want to discuss the issue with him prior to transplantation. SHoughton volunteered to contact a resource he is familiar with at the University of Illinois.  He feels they can provide the information necessary for an informed decision.  Once the issue is clarified the Leadership Team can take action.  In the meantime members should actively encourage any dogs near the plants to move and leave them alone. FUTURE ACTION ITEM

Issue:  Member CLucas asked who was charge of enforcing the rule regarding the number of dogs that an owner/handler could bring to the park. She was concerned that since the rule stated 3 dogs and since some members brought 4 that confusion could result. This could challenge the integrity of the Park and create problems for the Rangers. The Chairman and other members of the Leadership Team discussed how the issue was dealt with.  We have allowed this to proceed because the other members of the park have assumed the owner/handler relationship to the extra dog.  This has worked well and without problems. The member was concerned that this was not an adequate solution.  The Chairman and members of the Leadership Team will talk this issue over with the 2 owners involved.

They are both valued members and we will need to reach a solution that is acceptable to all. FUTURE ACTION ITEM

There was no more issues or business to discuss so the meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM

Respectfully Submitted

John C. Mason, Jr  Chairman

Minutes – January 17, 2013

posted in: Minutes | 0



The meeting was called to order at 540 PM in the second floor conference room of the Danville Public library.  Attendees: JCollom, JLinville, EGrzelak, SBarney, Tony O’Neal, TShadley, DJacobs, JMason

Absent: CShadley, SHoughton, J&RSchotz, TSchooler, JVenute and ex offico SLane

The minutes of the annual meeting of October 16 were reviewed.  The treasurer report showed a balance of $10,277 which will be further reduced by DJacobs maintenance bill of $603.  DJacobs stated he had not been received a check at this point. EGrzelak will check on that. In the incident and issue report all the parties have now been notified. The unresolved #4 has just recently been resolved.  JLinville saw the man at the park and served him with the letter and the man stated he would not return.  The suggestion to have publicity posters has been acted on and they are now displayed in the community.  The proposed merger(city/county animal shelter) has made no progress but will be re-visited now with elections over and Mr. Weimar and Mike Marron have been approached.  A meeting is being planned to bring all interested parties to the table to hash out the next step. The final issue was security and is being addressed at tonight’s meeting.

EGrzelak presented her findings on the subject of security.  She consulted Tom Wagner of Wagner Lock and Key.  He visited the site and evaluated options of padlock or key card system.  He felt the padlock approach would not be a satisfactory approach and the keycard system would be very expensive and require building a new entry gate. After her presentation it was felt that the few incidents we had did not warrant a change from our situation today.  The main concern that people use it and do not buy a tag is still a very small number.   We now have a light and a security camera is planned by the city when funds are available.  At that point the sending out of reminder notices was brought up.  There were a lot of complaints and especially after the HS temporarily stopped selling them.  After discussion it was the consensus of the group to just post their availability at the park next year and NOT send out reminders 

The issue of shock or electronic collars (shock, beep, vibrate) being used at the park was next discussed. TShadley had researched their use in dog parks and led the discussion.  Additionally the email from SHoughton and TSchooler (with several reference links) was also referred to.  Comments from dog trainers and veterinarians were also presented. There are lots of pros and cons on their suitability for use in dogs in general and also whether they are not appropriate to use in a park.  They work by association and as a result could equate the stimulation as coming from a dog near them which would incite aggression or even equate it with the park and ruin their enjoyment.  Many times they are used inappropriately by owners trying to change behavior.  This is commonly on dogs that tend to be aggressive.  There is no BLACK and WHITE agreement on this issue. A vote was then taken to make a decision on banning them at the park.  The majority (5) voted to ban them and this information would be incorporated by adding shock ecollars to the wording of Big rule#5 on page 4 and rule 11 on the last page and EGrzelak will be talking with our webpage help about accomplishing this.   The dissenters (Mason, Jacobs, and O’Neal) felt that rule book adequately covered the significant issue, aggression, danger to other dogs and would be best handled by education and discussion with the owner as has been done in the past.  They also felt it would be difficult to enforce.

Following the shock collar discussion and vote DJacobs brought up a suggested change in the gate system to help deter small dogs from escaping in the space between hinge side of the gate and the fence.  This would necessitate making the both gates open only one way.  The suggestion was approved and DJacobs and TO’Neal will do the work.

Along the north south fence separating the small and large park a muddy path is developing as a result of the dogs on each side of the fence running back and forth chasing the dog on the other side. It was suggested and approved that some pea gravel be ordered to spread out and use to alleviate the situation.

Several member of the LT have observe a women in a small white car bringing 2 small dogs (tags??) to the park and turning them loose, not watching them or picking up after them.  She has ignored Ranger requests to supervise and pick up.  It was the consensus that the license # be traced and a letter written to the person to cease and desist this or not come to park.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 645.

Submitted JCMason

Jan 18, 2013

Minutes – October 16, 2012

posted in: Minutes | 0

Minutes of Annual Meeting FETCH DOG PARK October 16, 2012

Danville Public library Meeting Room 6 PM

The annual meeting of the Fetch Dog Park Advisory Group was called to order at 6PM

Attendees: Leadership Team and members 21 total   absent because of prior commitment Steve Lane

Reading and Approval of the Minutes

The meeting was opened by JMason.  All present introduced themselves.  The April, May, July Leadership Team minutes were reviewed with the principal issues summarized. Those issues were

  1. Development of protocol and forms to report incidents at the Park and appeals form along with review of our Letter of Agreement with the city of Danville.  All now on our web site
  2. Design, purpose and scheduling of radio program to promote the park
  3. Study and discussion of merger proposal of city/county animal control and adoption.  DJacobs has taken a leadership role
  4. Training, supply and case discussions of Ranger functions.
  5. Dog training class experience

After discussion of the summary the minutes were approved as printed on our web site.

Treasurer Report

EGrzelak presented the Treasurers report.  After much effort she obtained a printout from the city Treasures office.  We now have a balance of $10,277.81. This figure includes payments for Neuhoff Broadcasting ($825), clutch for mower-parts only ($475.62), and annual web site fee (first time ($118.00). It includes receipts of HS tag sales ($708), cookbook sales/donations ($1575.00).  Costs not included but presented by DJacobs for gas, fertilizer, ranger training gear will be around $1500.00 leaving our balance at around $8800.00.  Without any unusual expenses it appears that the $1500 amount is what will be needed for annual minimal maintenance.  The web site continues to popular and useful.  It averages about 75 hits per day and has all our important information. It is very easy to navigate.  Thanks to Steve Foster. These figures were discussed and the treasurer’s report was accepted.

Incident Reports and Resolution

Three significant incidents at the park were discussed and their resolution presented

  1. Dec 2011 A member brought a dog to the park that was in heat-he considered that the rule forbidding this was not important.  At Rangers insistence he departed in a state of anger.  He was sent a RRR letter outlining the serious nature of this rule and spay/neutering was recommended.  On receipt of the letter the matter was later discussed with the Ranger and satisfactory resolution occurred. JMason
  2. Aug 20 A man and boy were in the park with two dogs (no Fetch tags) that became very aggressive a member and her dog.  They refused to exercise control over the dogs and used abusive language directed to the member. No Rangers were present but the member reported the incident.  The party was identified and a RRR letter sent with a copy of rule book and a reminder the park was for all to enjoy.  If they wanted to use the park they should purchase tags and obey the rules.  It is their responsibility to control their dogs. JMason
  3. Sep 3 2 men were in the park talking and restraining the dogs on leash.  When approached by a Ranger asking why on leash one of the men (whose dog had a tag) became angry and verbally abusive to the ranger talking to the other man whose dog did not have a tag.  Another Ranger came on the scene and at the request of the first Ranger took over the matter.  A letter was sent citing violation of 3 rules and a warning that further incidents could result in banishment. SHoughton, JLinville
  4. Sept/Oct 2012 Unresolved. Investigation ongoing   A member went to enter the park when she noted a Rottweiler pup in the park just outside of the holding area with a metal collar with prominent spikes on it.  She asked the man to remove it so her dog could play with the pup (avoiding injury) and he refused and became threatening and very foul mouthed.  He also stated he was training the dog to be an attack dog. The dog did not appear to have a tag. The member wisely left.  She was unable to get a license number on the large gray/white pickup. This unacceptable behavior was discussed. The member could consider putting in a call to 911.  This would have been acceptable and would have established that a citizen in our city park (Espenscheid) was being threatened.  The general feeling was that establishment of a “paper trail” might have benefit.

Efforts are ongoing to identify the party and bring some resolution.  It is important that we make strong efforts to report incidents like this to members of the Leadership Team and get as much information as possible.  The involved member was at the meeting so the incident could be discussed thoroughly.  Our backup is the Humane Society and the Police Dept.

One of the members stated that occasionally a car will pull into the parking lot and just sit there-no dog.  At times this can be disconcerting if you are there alone. We encourage members to schedule their visits so as to meet others but in situations like this one must be alert and recognize we are in a park and some might enjoy the beauty and quiet while having coffee or lunch.


During the course of the above discussions it became apparent that having access to the park for tag members only utilizing either a padlock or the electronic access key card need to be considered.  For security purposes it was the opinion of the group to pursue this option and evaluate costs.  The Leadership Team will investigate and evaluate. At some point a security camera will also be added by the city


The mowing expense, labor, and equipment was discussed by DJacobs who has been almost singlehandedly doing all the chores.  This also includes spraying for undesirable weeds.  We all thank him for the wonderful job.  Dr. Tom Halloran has applied the fertilizer with his equipment from the soccer field and does not charge for his labor. At present the park is in beautiful shape but there are areas at the gates into the small dog park that small dogs can get out by squeezing through.  This effort is being addressed by DJacobs.  It may require making the gates one-way only. Key card entry discussed above

The feasibility of a maintenance committee was mentioned but died from lack of interest.

The web site continues to be important and averages about 75 hits a day.

New Business

A new member stated that he heard about the park only by accident. It was his feeling that attractive posters placed in high traffic areas such as veterinary offices, grocery stores should be productive in getting the word out.  A small pamphlet near the poster telling about the park and how to join would be part of the promotion.  After discussion it was felt this was a great idea and should be pursued.  SHoughton and EGrzelak agreed to work on its development and would like to utilize some of the graphics and designs used by Kathy Mason in the development of our rule book.  They particularly want to use the Fetch logo with paw print in the “e”.

The feasibility of increasing the cost of tags to use the park was discussed in depth.  With the possibility of developing a key card access and its added expense all agreed that present fee could be increased by a nominal amount.  The Leadership Team will put this item on upcoming agendas after gaining more information on the key card system.


DJacobs briefly discussed his role in the Danville/Vermilion County proposed merger of its animal control/adoption arrangement and facility. He is process of gathering information and has met with the Vermilion County Board Chairman and toured their facility.  He has been unable to meet with the mayor but feels things are on hold till after the election.  During the tour he became so taken with one of the dogs that he now has 4 dogs.  He is hoping that someone will adopt it.  SHoughton and EGrzelak volunteered to assist in getting the word out.


There was no further discussion so the meeting was adjourned at 730 PM.


Submitted by JMason October 17

Minutes – May 1, 2012

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Fetch Dog Park 5-1-2012 Leadership Team Meeting

5:30-7:15 Danville Public library 2nd Floor

Present: Shirley Barney, Elisabeth Grzelak, Steve Houghton, Darrel Jacobs, John Mason, Terry and Chris Shadley, Jerry Venute

Absent: Tracey Doss, Deb Fridy (resigning, Steve lane, Tony O’Neal (work), Tamara Schooler (work), Joe and Ruth Schatz (illness)


The meeting was opened by Co-Chair Mason and the minutes were approved as posted on website. Items in minutes were elaborated on:

Letters to Mayor,PS, HS were circulated re: increasing security at Park

Financials showing $9000.00 balance

Status of completion of shelter, poles are secure and waiting manpower freeup to set the “Tops”

New members Shirley Barney and Jerry Venute were welcomed to the team. Shirley Barney has  agreed to be a  ranger.

Darrel Jacobs then reported  on the meeting that CoChairs Jacobs and Mason had with Mayor Eisenhower  on Friday  April 27.  The rumors involving HS and possible solutions were discussed.  We expressed support for the HS in view of their cooperation with us and on repeated visits have seen nothing to support allegations. Tough job, tough conditions, limited resources but exploring new alternatives to improve the lot of animals was felt to be in order.  Improving adoption rates, increasing neuter/spay rates and decreasing need for euthanasia were all  goals to work on (no kill policy IDEAL).  We assured the Mayor that these were goals we concurred with and would support.  The time to work with the county government to achieve the best solution for the entire area seems to be at hand.  Perhaps in the future the Dog Park could even be a part of a collaborative NFP. We next discussed the problem of keeping track of our finances.  Gayle Brandon Lewis is apparently overwhelmed and cannot give us the support we need to keep track of donations, expenses and other necessities.  We also informed him of our plans to a trial 13 week radio series to make people more aware of the park and increase dissemination of information regarding animal health and well being.  In the latter we felt we could do informative interviews to enlighten the audience about new approaches to handling the dog population in the City and county.  He agreed to be a guest  on the program.


At the conclusion of DJacobs presentation the group discussed the possibility of funneling all income through one of our members prior to deposit.  Elisabeth Grzelak volunteered and was unanimously voted on and named Treasurer.  She will need to talk to Shawn to record the deposits he makes for tags.

The F.A.I.R policy was then reviewed and accepted as shown following the minutes of April 3 on website.  The Appeals form for documenting the step 1, 2, 3 of the process were then reviewed and the process and its form were approved.  Co-chair Mason will discuss with Steve Foster how best to incorporate this into website in rules and regulation tab. The thought is to place the May 19, 2009 letter of Agreement with City followed a brief paragraph introducing the need for policy and then follow with the Appeals form and FAIR policy.  Hopefully all can be downloadable and printable.  In the event we have a serious incident that carries through all 3 steps and the appeals process we can demonstrate a paper trail documenting all actions.  At the next printing of the rule and etiquette book this additional material will need to be incorporated.

In conjunction with the above Darrel Jacobs stated he is working on a paper to explain duties of rangers and the actions of any Leadership Team member or “Peer” member who might be called upon to be a member of the Peer Review Panel as called for in the FAIR Policy.  When ready the membership will be invited to the presentation.  More vests and hats are on order.  It was suggested that we have cards identifying Rangers to hand out if called upon while dealing with incidents at Dog Park.  All agreed that this is a good idea and Darrel is going to prepare them.  We would eachwrite our name onto a printed form card.


The radio program was discussed.  It was agreed we would sign on for a 13 week stint at one program a week.  Jerry Venute will arrange the times with the station and continue to seek sponsors   Several members of the Leadership Team agreed to be session sponsors and will send checks to EGrzelak for record and deposit.  Balance will be taken from our deposited funds.  DJacobs and JMason will meet with station officer Cindy Nygren and prepare schedule and topics (NOW SCHEDULED FOR MAY 15 AT 0930).  Our mission to increase awareness and support of Fetch Dog Park and the website www,fetchdogpark.org  and other topics that support the health and well being of the pet population (example noted above ).

Our friend and valued supporter, Deb Fridy, has stated that she is unable to continue being a contributing member of the Team and wishes to resign.  Her request for resignation was accepted with regret.  We thank Deb for all the time and effort she has given us.

There were no new incident reports but the problem of a? P Canero? pair without tags visiting the park was reviewed.  Apparently the owner has a Facebook page where he discusses breeding the pair for the purpose of providing fighting dogs for sale. This information has been relayed to authorities.

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 with several members planning to attend the City Council meeting where Alderman Williams petition re the Humane Society was to be discussed.


John C Mason, Jr MD

May 5, 2012

Minutes – April 3, 2012

posted in: Minutes | 0


Darrel Jacobs introduced Neuhoff Communications members, Anfield and Nygren, who discussed requirements for a 30 minute program to air mornings for 13 weeks to promote Fetch Dog Park and other related topics.  The cost would be 75.00 per segment.   Following the question and answer presentation the team decided to pursue the opportunity.  Houghton and Venutti were assigned the task of exploration and feasibility.  They will report back at the May 1 meeting.  4 team members agreed to sponsor 4 sessions.  Advertising, sponsorship, and participation will be explored with veterinarians, pet food suppliers and retail stores.

The minutes of Sept 6 and November 15 were reviewed and the status of the shelters, Financials, membership reminder mailings was reviewed. At latest tally 172 tags have been purchased for 2012. It is difficult to get current financials and there is nothing new to report since Nov 15 meeting. This difficulty was discussed.  Our efforts to get everyone on a Jan to Jan tag purchase a work in progress.

The history of park development and the role of the Leadership team were revisited.  Danville City Council Agenda of May 19, 2009 along with the Memorandum of Agreement signed by DJacobs and JMason were given to members of team present and will be copied with these minutes.  This material along with the F.A.I.R proposals being considered tonight need be made a part of our website.  A summary can be included in the next printing of our booklet with referral to website.  Copies of the Confidential Review Form of F.A.I.R (Fetch Appeals in Review) and policy were then discussed by DJacobs. Handouts of forms and policy were available.  Scenarios of use such as rule breaking, failure to purchase a tag, improper action by a handler with an aggressive dog were used to illustrate how the appeal form could be implemented.  The paper trail created would be handled by a team leader who would be responsible for counsel, oversight and dissemination of information to all Rangers and Leadership Team members as well as appropriate cooperative agencies such as the Humane Society.  It was agreed by all present that in those instances where action need be taken for the integrity of the park and the wellbeing of user/members that procedure documenting actions along with a process for remedy need be in place.  Prior to our next meeting the Team must review; make suggestions so it will be ready for vote.

The role, responsibilities and actions of Fetch Park Rangers was then discussed.  A plan to address this is being developed by DJacobs and will be similar in scope to the training supplied to those who perform similar duties at Harrison Park Golf courses.  As a result of this discussion the team felt more rangers were needed so an effort will be made to recruit prior to the training session.  Dealing with this lead into incident discussion.  There have been 3 that were discussed

  1. Dog in heat – Return receipt requested sent to owner/handler regarding this worked well
  2. Unique Breed ??admission. Apparently a Presa Canario breeding pair was observed at the park and they were not members. No one knows who or were.  Would we want to issue a tag to this breed??
  3. Groups in late afternoon showing disregard of rules regarding children, smoking and failure to control dogs and pick up poop.

In response after discussion it was decided we need more and better trained rangers to cover more hours of operation, request unannounced patrols by police and Humane Society personnel.  Letters will be written to those in charge for their support.

Two initiatives to increase participation at the park were discussed.  Our Fetch booklets have been distributed to the Veterinarian offices to be given to pet owners as part of a welcome packet.  Deficiencies still exist in them being handed out on tag purchase at the Humane Society. Breed specific play dates were discussed but not felt to be appropriate with our relatively small numbers.

New Business:  DJacobs proposed that we begin considering an event at the park that will honor Dorothy Duensing ‘s memory.  She was quite an advocate for animals and established a Foundation that has funds for the improvement and care of animals.  Their significant donation early in the process was very instrumental in our success.  A “bone” has been purchased from Trigard to add to our Donor memorial.

Due to time issue the meeting was terminated at 755. The date of the next meeting is May 1 same time same place NOT AS REPORTED ON AGENDA AS MAY 10.  At that time the F.A.I.R  forms and policy will be voted on. We will have an update on the Neuhoff proposal  and more information on ranger recruitment and training.


John Mason

April 4, 2011

Minutes – November 15, 2011

posted in: Minutes | 0



The meeting was called to order at 6PM. JCMason served as Chairman. The 10 members of the Leadership Team present were introduced.  There was a total of 22 members present for the meeting.

All of our previous minutes are posted on the website and there no additions or corrections.

JCMason made a Funds & Facts presentation pointing out expenses, income and potential future costs.  A 2 page document with highlights was handed out to the group prior to the meeting and a copy will be attached to the meeting minutes.  Significant expenses were highlighted:

Fence Cost and Installation                               $17,409.00

0 turn 60 inch mower                                        $ 5800.00

Printing and Design                                           $ 3000.00

On order shelters and Benches              $ 5295.00


Significant income from fundraising efforts:                     $36,000.00

Includes Donations from Julius Hegeler Foundation,

Animal Welfare League of Illinois,memorials,sales and our Gala


Signage Donations:

“Designer Dog Bones” L. Schultz, Jim Gilliland


City of Danville


Website Design and Maintenance: Steve Foster of Beamsco.


It is very difficult to list and thank all of those who made our final opening in June of 2010 a reality.  Thanks to many people for their effort and support.  A more thorough acknowledgement is in the FUNDS&FACTS attachment.


Following the presentation and discussion a motion was made to accept the Summary Report and it is attached.


Steve Lane, our liaison with the City of Danville, was introduced and discussed many items and issues relative to the park.  He thanked the group for its continued interest and maintenance.

Pictures of the proposed shelters and benches were discussed.  There will be 2 in large dog area and one in small. Present tables will also be retained.   Signs citing hours of Dawn to Dusk are planned.  Large security lights are coming and increased police patrol. TV camera security is in the discussion stage..Concern about visibility along the road was discussed and increased trimming to increase visibility is planned. It is hoped we can develop toilet facilities perhaps utilizing the blue building. He gave permission to ventilate the covered poop bag receptacles. Steve answered questions, participated in discussion. He contributed greatly to our meeting and was thanked for the support we have received.

Following  Steve Lane’s presentation we returned to the discussion of DogPark issues.

Specifically:      website-no changes-working well

Grounds-look great from Darrel Jacob’s mowing (He and Shadly’s were thanked for gas purchase donations)

No specific cleanup needed at this time

Email communication working well to spread word to and thru Leadership Team

Brief discussion regarding its use in 2 episodes.

At Park we were reminded by SLane that a 911 call should be first. They have communication with all who should respond

Please continue to sell cookbooks. Make a good Christmas gift.  About 150 remaining to be sold.


Future financial needs as presented in FUNDS&FACTS.     Ongoing expenses are pointed out to be:    Seed and Fert               $500.00

Tags $                          $300.00

Reminder Cards           $150.00

Miscellaneous               $500.00

Est Total $1500.00 +or-



Tag Sales                                             Est Total $3000.00 +or-


Present Bank Balance$7000.00


After much discussion it was decide to hold tag prices steady but to increase the awareness that each year (Jan) is the time to buy new tags.  We are going to stress that in the reminder cards and discuss the necessity with the Humane Society to try and make new tags (both City and Park) a calendar year purchase. This will make it easier to enforce because all tags be same color for year.  We will place this information on website. We recognize this will be a short year for tag owners who purchased since June and surely in Nov but it will be a one time issue. In case of question they could consider it a donation.   DebFridy andElisabethGrzelak volunteered to help with card sendout in Jan. Darrel and JMason will seek a meeting with Shawn at Humane Society and go over this as well as other issues in early Dec.  All things considered it was felt a new fund raising initiative should be started.  EGrzelak presented a dog/photo/calendar proposal that looks promising. A vote was taken and the group agreed to support it.  Deb Frdy and Elisabeth agreed to be the CoChairs of this initiative  and report to the Leadership Team. It would have to be finalized in Aug of 2012 to be ready for 2013.  Final decision will reflect cost, advertising revenue, and price.  A $15.00 estimate seems a bit high and certainly we would need some guarantee of sales before proceeding.

It was decided to try and hold a Spring Group meeting at the park and try to emphasize it as a  social event.  Steve Lane suggested we consider using the Parks Dept capability to present an outdoor movie.  The Leadership Team will work on this in their future meetings


At 730 PM the business portion of the meeting concluded and the meeting adjourned. The remaining caps, Tshirts, cookbooks and bands on display were available for sale and several  were purchased Prepared and submitted byJCM 11/17/2011 Emailed out for Adds,corrects

November 15, 2011





Split Rail                                              $7389.00

Big R Wire                                             3120.00

Install Alvin Fence                          6900.00

Total      $17,409.00

Prep work and Parking

City of Danville                 Donated


Lawn tractor                                       $5800.00

Gas, labor donated to this point for mowing (Darrel & Tony)

Seed, fertilizer,aeration                               $1300.00

Dr. Halloran and Danville Soccer Volunteer and equipment

Berry’s Chemical, seed, plants  $900.00

Labor and equip donated

Well with water to FETCH

City of Danville, Espenschied Family

Waste Pickup                                    City of Danville


Pamphlets, Faulstich                     $1839.00

Design FIA Card                                $1200.00

Rules&Regulation Booklet          Donation

Design KMason, printing


Tshirts and Bracelets                      Donated

Gala gifts in kind                              Donated

Roundup weed killer                     Donated

Website Development  and maintenance

Steve Foster Beamsco   Donated

Fetch Dog Park Dog Bone signs  Donated

Larry Schultz

Jim Gilliland

Publicity                                              Donated

Commercial News

Mary Wicoff


Doug Quick WICD

Poop Bags           County Market  Donation

Prep, Delivery and install Poopbags

Joe Schatz                           Donation



Memorials          Trigard                  Donation

Rules & Reg        City of Danville Donation


Shelter and Bench’s

$5295.00 on order



Fund raising, Donation, Volunteer Efforts, Gifts

Includes support from Julius Hegeler II Foundation,

Animal Welfare League of Illinois,

Gala Grand Opening June 12,13 2010

START UP INCOME                                           $36,000.00

STARTUP EXPENSES                                        $28,225.00

BALANCE $7775.00

SHELTER & BENCHES       -$5295.00             =$2480.00


Cook Book

Sales to Date                                                                                     $ 8075.00

Printing                                                                                                                   5247.00

Inc          $2828.00 More to sell!!

BALANCE AS OF October 27 $7000.00


We made it Thanks to many volunteer hours and efforts the City of Danville has a beautiful Dog Park.  A special thanks to the City of Danville administration-Mayor Scott Eisenhauer, Doug Ahrens and Steve Lane.


Going For ward



Tag Sales                                             Inc          $2500-3000.00

Cost                                                       $300.00

Reminder cards                                                $150.00


EXPENSE                                                                              $???

Mowing? Volunteers have been doing

Grass seed and fertilizer                              $500.00

Plus Volunteer help

Poop Bag and Disposal


TV Surveillance

Locks tied to tag ownership


Summary compiled from City of Danville Financial records and rounded off. November 2011, JCMason


Fund Raising Efforts for future (based on past and projected expense it is likely there will be a deficit of 1500.00 to $2000.00 some years)

Photo Calendar

1 2 3