FETCH Dog Park Gala Opening

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Gala Opening

June 12-13

1-3 PM each day

Dog Park Volunteers:  Larry Anderson, D Fridy,  J Gourley, E Grzelak, K Hoaks, D Jacobs, J Mason, T O’Neal,  N Ruzic, C Shadley , T Shadley, T Schooler, J Adams(Humane Society enlistee)

Procurement Coordinator: K Hoaks

Procurement Committee: K Hoaks, J Gourley, D Jacobs, T Schooler, T O’Neal

Develop and organize door prizes, silent auction items, and vendor participation

Water, Soft drink procurement and sales: Deb Fridy

Publicity: Deb Fridy PSA, Radio, Newspapers

On Site Vendors: Big R (on site WDNL Sat), Midnight Howler (DeMoss),  Paw-A-Day Inn, Pet  Supply Plus, Stateline Hillcrest Small Animal Hospital, Sunset Funeral Home and Trigard, Tractor Supply,  Vermilion County Animal Shelter Foundation, Canine Design and Amanda Chamberlain training

Food Vendors on Site: Wiener Works Service and condiments by Stan Jackowski family, Wiener contribution by Joe Vincent, Hawkeye Foods, Sat & Sun), Custard Cup (Sun only)

Mr. Hegeler and arch with sponsors


The minutes of June 3 have been reviewed and corrected. K Hoaks name was omitted from the attendee list. The weather report for the 2 day Gala opening was ominous from the start but I am happy to say that all festivities came off as planned and the rain held off both days until just after cleanup and closure completed. L Anderson and T O’Neal had mowed both areas earlier in week

On Saturday June 12 at 0900 the entire group of volunteers assembled and 2 canopies were placed on the west end of the parking lot.  The larger canopy covered 3 tables. The north for drink sales, larger mid table for tag sales, information booklets and also assisted the south table. The south table was used for display of silent auction items, and merchandise. (caps, shirts, bands).  The smaller canopy was utilized for Wiener Works.  The wieners were given free to dog Park tag owners and donations for all others and the donation strategy worked well.  This in-kind donation by the Jackowski family really went well both days.  Shortly after completion of this setup Custard Cup arrived and set up further west on dry ground near the building for electrical needs.  His product was sold and as always gathered a crowd and donations.  Big R set up with the radio interview adjacent to Custard Cup.

T he remaining vendors entered through the Fetch entry or park entry and set up in the grass between parking lot and the park entry Road.  As cars started arriving L Anderson, T O’Neal directed cars to    C Shadley and they were parked along south edge of park entry way and around blue building.  Worked well for traffic flow.

Silent Auction Items with Custard Cup in background

At 1 PM festivities began with remarks by D Jacobs and J Mason with introduction of Julius Hegeler II and Lois Wise of the Julius W Hegeler II Foundation

Mayor Eisenhower unveiled our plaque and the Leash cutting ceremony followed.  Participants with scissor s were: Mayor Eisenhower, Brock Burton, Julius Hegeler, J Mason. The leash was held by D Jacobs and S Lane.   D Jacobs remarked how vital Steve Lane had been to all our efforts and made mention that his name was on the plaque.  Following this ceremony the K9 Corps of Danville Police Department put on a demonstration displaying the effectiveness of a well trained police dog. Very impressive.

Shortly after 3 PM most of the crowd dissipated and the volunteers took a breather before tear down.   Reflections on the day left everyone satisfied.  The crowd was estimated at 200+ and 40 tags sold.  No new tactics planned.

SUNDAY the arrival time was 1030 and it worked well before the 1 PM Opening.

From the north D Fridy, J Adams, E Grzelak, N Ruzic, J Gourley, K Hoaks, T Shadley when in proper spots

Main Tables Ready for Auction

Again the weather held off well but became quite ominous just before the blessing of the park at 2PM.   Did not dare rain at that time.  Shortly before 3 Pm the 2nd 50/50 drawing was held.  It totaled about $25.00 about ½ of Saturday but the winner gave her portion back so the total gain for the drawing was $50.00.  K Hoaks, T Schooler, J Gourley   organized the winners of the door prizes and prepared to notify them for pickup or drop-off.

The silent auction items:

  1. Lake Vermilion Excursion $350.00
  2. K9 suites 1 (50) and 2(40) 90.00
  3. Massage 70.00
  4. One Mo free tanning 100.00
  5. Dans tickets 85.00
  6. Wolf Creek Golf 65.00
  7. Case of wine  70.00
  8. Cookbook and gift certificate 45.00
  9. Pet portrait  sitting 60.00

TOTAL $935.00                

T Schooler designed the thank you card to be sent to all vendors and donors of items for door prizes and auction items.  She, K Hoaks, J Gourley will be sending those out.

Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish Participants at entry near plaque

A brief social wrap up meeting was held after take down and policing of the area. It was again estimated that approximately 200 visitors attended. 20 tags were sold and on both days there were lot s of well-behave dogs.  No serious encounters and the lemon juice/water mix were used on 3 occasions with good results.  On June 15 a deposit of $1574.50 was made at G Brandon office in City Building. $400.00 was from the silent auction items.   This equates to total return including all of the auction items still to be collected $2109.50


JCM June 16, 2010

Minutes – June 3, 2010

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MINUTES Dog Park Meeting Tuesday June 3, 2010 at JCM house

ATTENDEES: Gourley, Ruzic and Frannie, Grzelak, Shadley’s, Anderson, Jacobs, Fridy, Schooler, O’Neal, Mason. Larry Anderson a new member (ph213-1672,1711 N State, Westville,61883

The meeting was opened by D Jacobs. He presented what is developing at the park now and tentative arrangements for locating vendors, cars. The tag sale area, auction items will be placed east of entrance along fence and under tent cover, any dog vendors will be under shade around periphery, Big R at west because of power needs, Tractor supply along fence so water access for troughs is easy. With proposed 8-10 vendors they would be placed in grassy area south of main park lot. Over flow parking along south entry road and around blue building. Jacobs, O’Neal, Anderson, and Mason to be there at 0900 on Sat June 12, 13 to help with vendor location and parking. Anderson to find “yellow jackets” for Identification and “stand-outs”in the parking process. Blue hats for volunteers on the way from Jacobs. Weiner King near ticket sales, Custard Cup near radio setup with Big R. Volunteers Mason, O’Neal and Shadley will bring some “extra “poop bags” Steve Lane is working on dispensers and hopefully they will be ready of Gala. (See our Flyer above) LINK TO GALA

J Adams from the Humane Society has volunteered to be in charge of tag sales and can be assisted by Grzelak, Ruzic, Gourley and Shadley’s. For those who do not have rabies paper s they will be given receipts for their fees and can pick up tags at Humane Soc later as they present receipt with rabies certification papers. They can use receipt for their free hot dog. At adjacent tables the door prizes, auction items and a 50/50 donation ticket sale will be available. T-shirts and wrist bands to be available

The 50/50 donation will be sold as a $1.00 dollar ticket or 6 for $5.00 or 12 for $10.00 and drawing each day. Half proceeds to Dog Park and ½ to winner. Must keep ticket and be present to win. Drawing daily near 3PM

Using the list of gifts solicited by Schooler, Gourley, and others– tabulated by Hoaks a selection of door prizes and auction item groupings will be developed by Hoaks and Gourley. Hoaks has developed a format which she will prepare so that those volunteers at table can promote and keep track . Jacobs has purchased a roll of tickets that can be used for door prize drawings and also for the 50/50. Highest bidders for auction items can be notified on Sun. All comers are eligible for door prizes. They can pick up ticket at table and keep appropriate stub with the other portion going to the drawing jar. Winner has t o be present with ticket. Drawings around 3PM each day.

Deb Fridy volunteered to be in charge of drinks and has a friend to volunteer with her. Pepsi has donated 5 cases and she will purchase additional along with water. The water will be sold for $1 and after re-imbursement of her costs any profit will go to DP. The price of Pepsi will be determined by cost but figuring the 5 free cases the cost will be kept down profits dealt similar to water. Anderson, O’Neal, Mason and Jacobs to bring 2 coolers with ice.

Mason presented copies of invites, fliers, programs and the informational booklet on dog park etiquette that will go with each tag sale. Schooler and O’Neal provided a stack of colored fliers . The program only deals with events of leash cutting, plaque unveiling with remark s by Mayor and other city officials and will be handed out on Sat. The invites and fliers to be presented to friends and establishments for FYI and hopefully increase attendance. Mason is to mail invite and flier to all donors of record.

A plea was made to encourage friends to volunteer on Sat and Sun. O’Neal and Sanders to check Friday on any mowing needs. All of us would be available as gofers as well. Mason to bring 3 chairs, 2 card tables and one folding table. O’Neal and Schooler may have access to some chairs and tables and D Jacobs to check on Church.

Meeting adjourned with a tasting of wine developed by Jacobs. The product was approved for sale as a silent auction item. Time 730PM Jcmason

Minutes – August 27, 2009

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DOG PARK MINUTES August 27, 2009

Civic Center


16 signed in: Jennifer Wright, Kathy Hoaks, Bob Mitchell, Michelle Hein, Nancy Ruzic, Elisabeth Grzelak, Tracy Larsen, C. Luanne Freed, Kelly Freed, Terry Shadley, Marilyn Cox, Carol Carter, Todd Mcntyre,Darrel Jacobs, John Mason. Alderman Steve Foster


The meeting was opened by J C Mason at 1730 who presented the financial total to date of $18,291.15. The expense of printing brochures by Faulstich has been paid out of Donations ($1838.85) leaving us with the above balance. Wrist band sales have been relatively brisk at 1-$3 2-$5 and T-shirts at $20.00. We are running out of Beagle shirts and there are now 75 Maggie shirts on order from Apparel Unlimited on Georgetown Road. All thank you and memorials have been mailed and we are current to date. 56 sent out. The procedure is this-presented by J C Mason: The City of Danville office prepares the formal thank you letter and its amount on their stationery. I will pick these up at appropriate intervals and mail them out with our DOG Park thank you’s (hand and paw handshake). If it is a memorial then a separate letter goes to them with just our paw and hand letter.

We now have a letter prepared by the city over Doug Ahrens title that Darrel or I can print out after we put in the name of the prospect, i.e. County Market confirming ahead that the donation or service is tax deductible as made to City of Danville/Dog Park. City Finance Director, Gayle Brandon want s a copy of each letter so they can be tracked. IRS implications were reviewed by Darrel Jacobs.


In view of the nice article and pictures we need to continue our fund raising efforts anticipating costs of fence will be higher and if funds allow we could add some amenities at startup. STRIKE WHILE IRON IS HOT. The contacts list was reviewed, updated and discussed. Copy to be included with minutes. There are some loose ends as noted that will need to be addressed by personal contact and Darrel Jacobs and J C Mason agreed to continue pursuing them. The member ship present was encouraged to make personal contacts of lawyers, dentists, physicians, chiropractors, merchant s and friends. Plenty of brochures are available. Our updated and re-designed poster was redone, framed and enclosed with Plexiglas. Images on Gilbert did a wonderful job on it. They also did not make any charge for their services because they thought it was great cause for the city of Danville. Great In-Kind donation. This will be put to great use in presentations such as upcoming noon Rotary on October 26

Diana Bryant was unable to attend the meeting but provided an update from the Vermilion County Animal Shelter via email:

1. They no longer mail out rabies alert letter-just postcards. With the loss of that potential spread of information we will need to pick up the brochures and search for other mailing sites-water Company , Banks etc

2. There is the feeling that the use of their “Doggy Banks” for funds collection might confuse donors so that offer is off the table


A decision was made to pursue the bagging and carry out at County Market. The letter requesting this from the city indicating deductibility has now been prepared and mailed to E Grzelak who will be scheduling and calling for volunteer s

It was decided we would not initiate the selling of Elder Berman coupons at this time. Some concern that this would hamper similar efforts by the schools

Daschund Festival at Fairgrounds on Sept 12 appears to be an attractive opportunity. Kathy Hoaks has assumed the leadership role here. The poster, wrist bands, T-shirts, brochures and informational material about our ink cartridge recycling will be displayed. All who can help please contact Kathy The application has been submitted.

Todd McIntyre suggested the Ellsworth Park Festival and he is looking into that and organizing it. If you can help please contact Todd . Coordination with Kathy for display material and wrist bands will be necessary.

Ink jet recycling. The Funding Factory of 380 E Bayfront Parkway, Erie, PA has provided a START Kit with direction for packing and also the size cartridges they will accept. We are working on getting this project up and running. We have received a large assortment from TRIDAN and Walgreen’s (acct on Voorhees). We have talked to County Market (N&S) and will be contacting BCBS for their used cartridges. Kelly and Luanne Freed have volunteered their talents for box construction for the County Markets. Hopefully the word will spread and this will provide income down the road for items we need (i.e. poop bags). With success we will need to organize sorting and packing parties. www.fundingfactory.com. Email: Info@funding factory.com. They have been contacted and posters, shipping boxes and labels for pre-paid UPS is on the way. Volunteers will be need in this promising effort.

Website Ready

Thanks to the talents and generosity of Alderman Steve Foster and his website development company, BEAMSCO, we have a beautiful website. As it develops we will be able to describe our park, have the rules and regulations readily available, fees, memberships, etc. Our brochure will help in donations and provide usage and membership information. Steve gave a brief presentation of the fundamentals, has provided all the fees necessary and we are up and running. Very- Very exciting. Thank You, Steve, from all the volunteers in the Fetch Dog Park Group. Great in-kind donation. www.fetchdogpark.org


A general discussion regarding what routes we might take at this point from informal group to a more formal group with bylaws developed. This discussion was lead by Kelly Freed as a prelude to his presentation and drafts for rules and regulation. He had prepared a packet with a format followed by his suggested ONE PAGE RULES AND THEN A PAMPHLET VERSION WITH MORE DETAIL. A COPY WAS HANDED OUT TO MOST MEMBERS PRESENT WITH PLAN THAT THEY WOULD READ, DIGESTED, AND BE READY TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE FINAL FORM AT THE NEXT MEETING.

The consensus favored a formal organization that could present, represent and be a valuable resource to the City that would be a force in ensuring the success and longevity of the Dog Park Concept. Eventually bylaws will be needed

At this point a Nominating Committee was proposed with the charge of developing officer structure and organizational guidelines to help the volunteers move forward and create an organization that will ensure survival of the Dog Park Dream. Volunteer members: Kathy Hoaks Chr, Kelly Freed, Nancy Ruzic, Tracy Larsen, Elisabeth Grzelak spoke up early but any who want to help please contact Kathy Hoaks

T he meeting concluded at 710 PM. Thanks to all who attended. Diana Bryant, Deb Fridy, Jeannette Gourley expressed their desire to be present but unable because of circumstances beyond their control. 7 new members expressed their desire to help.

Respectfully submitted. Will be attached to Yahoo and our new website.

J C Mason

Minutes – July 9, 2009

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Minutes of July 9 Meeting


Meeting Attendance 13

Bryant, Diana

Fertaly, Marzy

Freed, Luanne

Fries, Tom and Marti

Fridy, Deb

Grzelak, Elisabeth

Jacobs, Darrel

Larsen, Tracy

Mason, John

Reitsma, Jackie

Ruzic, Nancy

Shadley, Terry

The Leadership Team and above volunteers met at the Civic Center at 530 PM on July 9. Sign-in and introductions preceded the business meeting. The minutes of the June 17 meeting were discussed and approved with no corrections.

Darrel Jacobs presented the financial report that was through May. After brochure expenses we have $1060.00 in our account with the city. He discussed utilization of the brochure form to specify memorials, honorariums, as well as outright donations at all the various levels. He also noted how the form could be secured with staples or scotch tape and mailed directly. A copy of a proposed thank you letter prepared by Tracy Larsen showing a paw and a hand shake was presented and discussed. It needs some revision and update but all agreed the picture was perfect and we need to proceed with thank you. Darrel J is staying on top and at present plans to do the thank you’s. Hopefully he will need some help soon. He is awaiting a letter from the City Treasure in regards to Tax status of donations. At this point copies of the article on the Champaign Dog Park were distributed. The idea of fees and preparation of rules and regulations for the city to review and ponder was briefly discussed. Because of our memorandum of agreement and the need for approval on any such issue by the city we will need to address that issue soon.

A listing of all the contacts and brochure drop off by the members to date was presented and the following compilation is made

Barney Realty, BEAMSCO, Berry’s Garden Center, BigR NVerm, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Butternut Bread and Store,

Carmack Car Capital, CB Devonshire, Carle Clinic Fairchild, Chittick Eye Care, County Market NVerm,

CVS-need corporate letter, CB Devonshire

Danville Noon Rotary, Dan Commercial News, Dan Metal Stamping, Dairy Queen on E Main, Days INN

Dentists, Satterwhite, Ashton

Dollar General

Envirox LLC E. Fairchild, ERA,

Farren Realty, Fern Cline, First Choice Realty

Groomer s: South Paw, Pampered Paws, Lone Oaks

Hawkeye Foods, Honeywell Corp

Kennels: Hillcrest Pets Plus, Best Friends,

Leverenz Parts and Fuel

Mervis Industries


Provena: ER, Administration, Med Record s, cancer clinic, gift shop.

Salon and Spa: Timothy Dan, Larry Pauls, Reflections

Satellite Cable/Nextel

Shutte & Frey Auto Bowman

Taco Bell, Towne Machine and Toole

Veterinarians: Hillcrest, Vermilion, Hillcrest Stateline, Eastlake, Fairchild

Vermilion Health Dept Susan Bounds

Westville: Post Office, Depot

Following discussion of above the two meeting tables discussed some new initiatives.

1. Discuss with Jean Beck about Farmers Market Booth JCM

2. Display and presentation at a Dan’s game JCM

3.Presentation at Georgetown Fair Jackie Reitsma

4. “Piggy” Banks for donations DB

5. Used cartridge mail in DF

6. Labor Day Parade?

7. Raffle

8. Contact own dentist (remainder to be contacted by JCM after list compiled.

Van Burk to be contacted

9.Other contacts to be pursued from the D. Jacobs table

Sue Ellen Hinkles, Danville Health Club, Escape, Dr Fisher, Sunset Ice Cream Social on Thursday, Danville Elks Club, Boat Club

The next initiative utilized a list of business in the Danville area. There was a list of 80 potential candidates to be made aware of our effort and to have brochures distributed to them. Out of the master list there were 36 that no one had a connection with and it was felt we could assign them at a later date following completion of the first contact phase. Those who accepted a name to contact will report during the interval till next meeting.

The meeting concluded at 730 with the next meeting to take place in August with an attempt to engage a larger group. At that time we will assess progress on our initiatives.

Submitted by J C Mason

7/22 add on volunteer:

Mary Pribble

Minutes – June 17, 2009

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Dog Park Minutes June 17, 2009

630 to 800 PM at Civic Center

Attendees: Sign In Sheet

Adams, Joanne

Bryant, Diane

Freed, Kelly and Luanne

Freed, Luanne

Fries, Marti *

Fridy, Deb *

Grzelak, Elisabeth

Darrel Jacobs

Lane, Steve CITY REP

Larsen, Tracy *

Mason, John

Ruzic, Nancy

Shadley, Terry *

The meeting was opened by J C Mason. He presented the historical development of the Park beginning with the initial meeting with D Ahrens and S Lane in May of 2008. Research including visiting Dog Parks in Florida, Colorado and Urbana, IL and the internet led to present proposal utilizing Espenscheid Park under the auspices of the city park system. This would allow us to raise funds that would be tax deductible and develop an organization to work with the city to develop the rules and regulations by which the Dog Park would function. At the Public Works Committee meeting in May the proposals, design and Memorandum of Agreement as presented by S Lane and Darrel Jacobs was approved. At the May 19 meeting of the City Council the proposal was reviewed and approved. So we are now ready to proceed with the priority-FUND RAISING.

The Memorandum of Understanding was discussed by Darrel Jacobs highlighting the responsibilities of the Dog Park Group (exact structure, officers, bylaws, rules and regulations to be developed as fund raising concludes-goal for fence $18,000.00). Following the presentation a brief question and answer session was held.

The brochure developed by Tracy Larsen was then presented and discussed. The highlights of giving levels and how to make out the check to assure deductibility was emphasized as well. Gayle Brandon, Finance Director 17 West Main Street will keep our records and allow us to keep track and respond with thank you’s. The level of giving up to Top Dog will allow us to develop recognition markers in the future. All of those present took copies to personally distribute.

A discussion was then held about how we should go about fund raising and several possibilities were discussed.

Presentations to civic groups, churches

Information booths at fairs, the Mall

Distribution at stores, an events Civic Center)

It was decided in view of the smallness of the group at this meeting that a LEADERSHIP TEAM of volunteers should form to meet and determine specific direction and focus. They are

1. Joanne Adams 2. Diane Bryant 3. Luanne Freed 4.Marty Fries 10 E. Grezlak

5. Deb Fridy 6. Darrel Jacobs 7. Tracy Larsen 8. John Mason 9.Terry Shadley

It is planned that the leadership team will meet in July with some more interested parties and plan some events and coordination. All those present took copies of the brochure to distribute to friends, fellow employees and other venues to spread the word. Each will keep track of the areas they have covered. The formal meeting adjourned at 8 PM

Prepared by John Mason

Following the meeting I received an email with some great ideas from Elizabeth Grzelak which I will present to the Leader ship team at their meeting

Minutes – December 9, 2008

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1st Meeting Dog Park -Minutes December 9, 2008 530 to 730 PM

Conference Rooms 2and3 USMC

Purpose: Inform and Explore Feasibility of a Dog Park in Danville

The meeting was opened by John Mason who briefly explained the development of the idea for a Dog Park in Danville with its benefits. The various explored options were briefly discussed and based on this research he presented the most viable recommendation. In cooperation with the city we raise tax deductible funds that would be used to establish the Park in existing park space. As this proceeds we would need to organize a governing structure to oversee membership, dues, rules and regulations, maintenance, and addition of amenities. The city with its resources would be able to provide insurance, assist in the upkeep and interact with the Dog Park governing body to insure accountability and assistance similar to present arrangements with the Skateboard Park and Soccer facility.

Steve Lane, Supervisor of Parks for the City of Danville, then presented description of proposed site and utilizing a blown up aerial view. The proposed site would be in the 65 acre Espenscheid Park donated to the family in honor of their parents. This area is north on Kimball where it joins Voorhees between Anderson Electric and M-H Equipment. It lies between the active railroad tracks on the east and the inactive tracks to the west. About 5 acres would be set aside near the road and fenced. The fence would be a 4-5 foot split rail fence with wire backing suited in appearance with the natural intent of the park. The estimated cost of materials is $18,000. Adjacent to the road would be a parking area. The fencing would have an entry holding area and be divided into a small and large dog area. In the future park planning would include a well and restroom facilities. The long range plan is to keep the area as natural as possible with trails and the Dog Park would fit in well with this plan.

Darrel Jacobs continued the informative session with his conversation with Gayle Brandon, City of Danville Finance Director. Checks made out to City of Danville/Dog Park would allow funds to be kept separate and be tax deductible. They could be accessed by a work order from the Parks Department. They would be able to keep track of donors so appropriate thank you’s and memorials could be recorded.

All of the above issues were explored and discussed in quite a bit of detail and it was the consensus of the group that the project was doable and LET’S GET STARTED.

Fund raising ideas ,raffles, biscuits, online sites and person to person solicitation were all discussed. The idea of a contest for naming utilizing the schools and prizes was mentioned.

The following plans are now in place based on the above discussions:

1. Second meeting in January to be presided over and called by Darrel Jacobs ( date to be determined).

2. Preparation of a brochure to be organized by Darrel Jacobs and assisted by Tracy Larsen and any other volunteer

3. Plan for date and presentation to City Planning Committee

4. Distribution of information sheets and donation forms to appropriate sites. DVM offices, groomers, Vermilion County and Danville Humane Societies JCM

5. Preparation of list of all those interested with names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses as now available. JCM (a volunteer has offered to develop a site on yahoo and send invitations to view it)

The meeting was attended by 20+ and concluded at 730PM

Submitted by John Mason

1 2 3 4 5